things to check on websites

Ten things you need to check on your website today

We review dozens of websites a month. This webinar will highlight the most common gaps and missing features, including GDPR oversights that can trigger big fines, security glitches that get you banned from Google and simple mistakes that put people off buying from you. Find out how to make your website better without building a whole new site.

This webinar happened on 30th Sept 2020, but good news - we recorded it AND wrote a blog about it. Fill in the form to get the on-demand webinar.

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checklist of things you may have missed on your website - man holding giant pencil checking boxes
Missing something? 

404 ERROR - discover common website mistakes

It's easy to miss the little things. We know! And like a house, a website is never perfect - there are always jobs to do. In this webinar, we run you through the things we see people miss on their sites. 

person pointing at graph of data

Data protection and permissions

It's a minefield out there. You need permission to process contact data and to communicate with leads. Is your site set up correctly for conversions?

Glitching out

Your guide to website QA

Our CEO, Matthew Stibbe, will run through the quality assurance checks you need to do to make sure your site is working effectively and efficiently. 

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