thought leadership

How to do (genuine) thought leadership

When writing content, it's vital to keep the purpose of that piece of marketing material in mind. Is it to draw traffic? Convert leads? Or is the main aim to generate brand awareness, put your stamp of expertise on a subject and start a conversation? Here's how we think of thought leadership at Articulate Marketing.

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What is thought leadership?

Advancing the conversation

Thought leadership, by definition, is not 'safe'. It's taking a stand on a topical subject within your industry. It's not copying what others say, just to 'fit in'. Thought leadership is an expression of your company, of your brand, and its purpose is to make waves.

thought leadership webinar - man searching for a good blog to read
Thought leadership and SEO

Good content is the primary driver of search

Google is smart. It's getting smarter every day. That's why old techniques of keyword stuffing and backlink spamming don't work anymore. Rather, Google sees the valuable, well-written thought leadership content that people are really engaging with, and promotes that to the top spots for search.

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