7 effective lead nurturing activities you can set up in a day
We've seen roaring success with recent experiments in lead nurturing, from automated workflows to savvy sales sequences. Now, Articulate Marketing CEO, Matthew Stibbe, will share seven insights for how to do great lead nurturing with minimal effort.
About the webinar
What is lead nurturing?
Lead nurturing refers to the activity you do after a contact has entered your database. This can include things like marketing emails, LinkedIn connects, adding on social media or any other means of communicating with your new lead.
How to do lead nurturing, the right way
Businesses will either ignore lead nurturing, or will bombard their new lead with emails until they're forced to unsubscribe. Or, worse, mark you as spam. We'll dive into how to do lead nurturing while avoiding pitfalls.
Further resources
Along with the seven lead nurturing activities we'll outline in this webinar, we'll also share some useful resources on lead generation, nurturing, automation and sales alignment. Join the webinar to find out more!